A new series of policy briefs
The Department of Political Science at Umeå University launches a new series of policy briefs. The policy briefs are intended to make research results available in a concise form and provide recommendations for how new knowledge can contribute to better meeting current societal challenges.
The series’ first policy brief is issued in connection with the anniversary of the Military Coup, which drastically redrawn the map both for the conditions of civil society in Myanmar, and for the assistance of international actors to the country.
First policy brief: Women, Peace and Security in Myanmar after the 2021 Military Coup
This policy brief is an output from the research project “The Politics and Effects of Gender Expertise in Peacebuilding”. The project is funded by the Swedish Research Council and led by Dr. Elisabeth Olivius at Umeå University.
In the following, the three researchers give concrete recommendations for how development and peacebuilding
organizations can reorient their work with women, peace and security issues in Myanmar, and find new ways to both save lives now, and support positive change in the long run. In response to urgent needs, it is now critical to provide appropriate and flexible support to women’s organizations; identify and work with local structures for humanitarian response and service delivery; and support new and existing forms of cross-border aid.
Elisabeth Olivius – SweDev Steering Committee member, Department of Political Science, Umeå University
Jenny Hedström – Department of Political Science, Umeå University
Zin Mar Phyo