The latest updates from the development research community in Sweden

New Op-Ed: Sweden Must Support Women’s and Girls’ Rights Globally
Uppsala Nya Tidning published an op-ed titled “Sverige måste bidra till kvinnors och flickors rättigheter globalt” on 22 January 2025, written by leading experts in this field. The article emphasizes the urgent need for Sweden to strengthen its support for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) globally.
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Op-ed in Altinget – Forskare: Regeringen underminerar Sveriges roll i det globala samfundet
SweDev published a new op-ed in Altinget regarding the cuts in funding for research in development. In this article, SweDev highlights alarming indications that the government is deprioritizing Agenda 2030 and dismantling decades of progress in development research. The piece underscores the importance of maintaining expertise on complex global challenges to ensure Sweden’s role as an international leader. You can read the article (in Swedish) published in Altinget, below.
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Vetenskapsrådets öppna utlysning 2024: En analys av finansiering för utvecklingsforskning
För att undersöka om och hur finansieringen för svensk utvecklingsforskning förändrats, har SweDev gått igenom de projekt som beviljades medel i VRs öppna utlysningar 2024. Nedan beskriver vi vårt tillvägagångssätt och resultaten av vår genomgång.
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NorDev 2025 – Call for panels
The 8th Joint Nordic Development Research conference (NorDev) will be held in September 2025. They recently published their call for panels.
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Recording: Exacerbating existing inequalities or supporting empowerment? The role of international aid to women’s organisations
Recording from SweDev and SEI’s dialogue series on development research on 10 December 2024.
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Op-ed in Altinget: Continuing to Reduce Health Aid is Not the Right Thing to Do (In Swedish)
In a recent Altinget op-ed, 20 global health experts, including SweDev’s chairperson Jesper Sundewall, urge Sweden to reverse health aid cuts, warning they jeopardize progress and leadership amid rising global health challenges.
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SweDev Chairperson interviewed in Lundagård
Lundagård, the student newspaper of Lund University, recently interviewed Jesper Sundewall, Chairperson of SweDev, regarding the recent cuts in funding for development research.
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Op-ed in Altinget – Forskarupprop: Regeringen har dragit undan mattan för utvecklingsforskningen
SweDev initiated a debate article at the recent DevRes2024 conference, which has been signed by several attendees. In this op-ed, SweDev maps out several worrying signs that the government is deprioritizing Agenda 2030, and argues that knowledge about complex global challenges is more important than ever. You can read the article (in Swedish) published in Altinget, below.
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