This job opportunity is posted by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The Department of Forest Resource Management is looking for a doctoral student in forest management with a focus on global forest resources.
10 October 2022.
Main responsibilities
The task for the doctoral student involves studying the development of the global forest resources with the support of modern inventory techniques that combine different types of remote sensing with field inventory. The studies will shed light on the developments of forests in different parts of the world, making comparisons with the developments in Sweden and Europe, and analyse similarities and differences between regions from different perspectives, including the contribution of forests to mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. An important part of the work involves contributing to the development of quality-assured methods for large-area forest monitoring.
The position involves a 4 year full-time employment as a doctoral student in Umeå, Sweden. The start date is by agreement, tentatively in late autumn 2022 or early spring 2023.
Department of Forest Resource Management
The Department of Forest Resource Management conducts education and research in the areas of forest planning, forest remote sensing, forest inventory and sampling, forest mathematical statistics, and landscape studies. The department is also responsible for the implementation of environmental monitoring programs: the National Forest Inventory, the National Forest Damage Inventory, National inventories of the landscape in Sweden, Terrestrial habitat monitoring, and the Butterfly and bumblebee inventory. The activities combine research and environmental monitoring in cross-disciplinary projects, which provide unique opportunities to develop holistic concepts for the sustainable use of natural resources.
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