GLD invites scholars to a workshop providing feedback, suggestions, and advice.

Get the chance to be a part of a scholarly network, where you both provide and receive feedback on research in progress within the governance and local development fields!
The Program on Governance and Local Development (GLD) Work-in-Progress Virtual Workshop Series is designed to help scholars with ongoing papers or projects by providing feedback, suggestions, and advice during a one-hour-long workshop. You are, of course, encouraged to attend the other workshops to reciprocate the helpful feedback.
10 June 2022.
Your application must align with the GLD mission. Only applications in English will be accepted. Contact ">GLD if you have any questions.
About GLD
GLD is a research program based at the University of Gothenburg, originally founded in 2013 at Yale University by Program Director, Professor Ellen Lust. GLD focuses on the local factors driving governance and development. The program is dedicated to international collaboration and scientifically rigorous, policy-relevant research in an effort to promote human welfare globally. Program findings are made available to the international and domestic communities through academic publications, policy briefs, public presentations, and social media, as well as on-the-ground workshops in cooperation with local partners.