
What are the consequences of decreasing aid to research cooperation?

March 16, 2023

New op-ed on cuts in the research cooperation budget published in OmVärlden.

Photo by: Jason Hazama / Unsplash

In a new op-ed, SweDev Chair Fredrik Söderbaum, together with others at Swedish research intitutions, argue that the recent cuts in aid to research cooperation not only affect knowledge development in, and for, low-income countries, but also knowledge development in Sweden and Sweden’s ability to contribute to, and benefit from, international development cooperation.

Read the full article at OmVärlden (in Swedish).


Rolf Carlmanvice ordförande, Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor, FUF, Thomas Elmqvistordförande för Sidas vetenskapliga råd, Lisa Sennerby Forsseledamot i FN:s Scientific Group för Food Systems Summit 2021 Rektor, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet 2006–2015, Anna Stenvinkelgeneralsekreterare, ForumCiv, Fredrik Söderbaum, ordförande, Swedish Development Research Network, SweDev, Anders Wijkmanledamot, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien. Generaldirektör, Styrelsen för u-landsforskning, Sarec 1992-94.