Tag: research

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Call for applications: Co-operative Research Programme

Are you organising an international conference or workshop on state-of-the-art research issues in agriculture, food, fisheries or forests in 2023?

Or would you like to spend time working with researchers in another country to help your research project, maybe as part of a sabbatical?

Apply for funding from the OECD CRP (Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems).


The deadline to apply is Saturday 10 September 2022, midnight (Paris time).

Please note the guidelines and conditions, selection criteria and research themes for funding for fellowship award and conference sponsorship. Applications must be submitted through the appropriate online application forms. PDF forms are provided to help prepare applications before going to the online forms.

Applicants must be residents in one of the countries participating in the Programme. Please consult the files which give general information on the country’s research institutes and universities.

Applications relevant to the work of the OECD Committee for Agriculture and other bodies are particularly welcome:

  • Sustainable productivity growth and food security and nutrition;
  • New technologies and practices for food production; Food loss and waste;
  • Antimicrobial resistance; One Health approach to agriculture and food systems;
  • Innovations in the transfer and development of agricultural knowledge, including Indigenous and traditional knowledge
  • Digital technologies and digitalisation;
  • Climate change, including pathways to net zero, carbon sequestration in agriculture, forestry and land use, water use;
  • Plant and animal breeding to enhance sustainable productivity growth and resilience to climatic events; Diversity of crop production;
  • Fisheries and aquaculture productivity, sustainability and resilience.

What is the Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (CRP)? 

The OECD’s Co-operative Research Programme: Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems (CRP) exists to strengthen scientific knowledge and provide relevant scientific information and advice that will inform future policy decisions related to the sustainable use of natural resources in the areas of agriculture, food, fisheries and forests.

SweDev researchers selected to the Swedish delegation

Group of young adults, representing the new generation and development.

The Government of Sweden have selected four associated SweDev researchers to join the Swedish delegation at the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development taking place 25th – 28th of April.

Jesper Sundewall at Lund University, George Marbuah, Research Fellow at SEI, Sana Rouis Skandrani, Researcher at Karlstad University and Janet Vähämäki, Director of SweDev and Team Lead at SEI, will all be joining the Swedish delegation and contribute with their research expertise to the Forum on Financing for Development. 

“I am really happy that researchers representing academia were invited to the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development. This shows that the SweDev network can play a role in coordinating representation to these types of High-Level Conferences on Global Development and thus bridge science and policy.”

Janet Vähämäki

The opportunity was offered to SweDev members after a request from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs to coordinate participation from researchers at the Forum. Future opportunities are offered only to SweDev members – sign up below to become a member.

Read more about the 2022 ECOSOC Forum

Become a SweDev member

News text written by Ylva Rylander, Communications Officer at Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) for SweDev.

DevRes 2022 – Transforming Development Research for Sustainability

Summer valley.

The upcoming DevRes conference will be held on August 22-24, 2022 and will be hosted by GlobeLife, a joint initiative of Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. The conference will offer both onsite participation as well as digital live-streaming and chat functions. The 1st day of the conference will be at Uppsala University, the 2nd day fully online and the 3rd day at Karolinska Institutet.

SweDev at DevRes2022

More details will follow.

  • ‘Bridging research and policymaking in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda’: 13:30-14:30 on 22 August in Uppsala. Onsite participation only.
  • ‘Planetary health: the role of coastal ecosystems’: 11:00-12:00 on 22 August in Uppsala. Hybrid: onsite and online participation.
  • SweDev annual assembly: 23 August, 16:15-17:30 CEST. Mingle at 17:30-18.30. Learn more about SweDev, influence the workplan and meet SweDev’s secretariat and Steering Committee. The SweDev assembly is open to all. Join us online or in Uppsala. Registration is required. We invite all participants to a mingle after the event.

Transforming Development Research for Sustainability

The theme for the upcoming conference is ‘Transforming development research for sustainability, as It is becoming increasingly clear that sustainability is the key to our planet and the future of humanity. We must make haste at achieving this before 2030, estimated as the climate’s ‘tipping point’, which could lead to unpredictable consequences.

A major part of the conference will focus on how we can achieve sustainability in health for both humans and our planet. This requires that we look at transforming large parts of our society and restructuring systems within our society such as food and energy production, urban planning, digitization, education, preventive health work as well as health and social care.

In order to achieve this globally for all people and not just individual countries, we need to explore both new forms of cooperation and the generation of new knowledge. Here, research is absolutely essential if we are to discover novel systems that will ensure the longevity of our society.

About DevRes

The Development Research Conference (DevRes) was founded in 2016 as a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers working in fields linked to development and sustainability.

The conference aims to promote networking and collaboration between researchers, public agencies, policymakers, organisations and practitioners, in order to find solutions for poverty and develop strategies for the future of sustainable development.

Studies within thematic areas prioritised by the EBA

Turbid waters spill out into the Gulf of Mexico.

The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) has decided to allocate funds for studies within any of its prioritised areas (poverty and its drivers; environment and climate; steering of Swedish aid). Funds are available for researchers active at institutions based in Sweden in order to conduct studies of direct relevance for the MFA, Sida and/or other Swedish development cooperation actors.

Background and motive

EBA works with a ”double independence” in the sense that the Expert Group independently decides what to analyse and evaluate, while commissioned authors and experts independently answer for conclusions and possible recommendations in published studies. To the EBA, it is essential to collaborate with knowledgable and competent authors, experts in their respective fields.

To increasingly use the resource base of researchers active at institutions in Sweden, the EBA allocates funds for studies specifically authored by researchers. EBA is not providing research grants in the way research foundations do, but finances specific studies of relevance for Swedish international aid. The current initiative aims at increasingly engage researchers in formulating proposals and conduct studies at the request of the Expert Group.

The choice of theme and research questions are left to the applicants. However, the proposal shall be included in any of the following themes:

• Poverty and its drivers
• Environment and climate
• Organising and steering of Swedish aid

The proposed studies shall focus on Swedish development aid and be relevant for the MFA, Sida and/or other actors in Sweden’s development cooperation. Applicants shall have documented expertise within the proposed field. Funding is allocated to separate studies, and not as additional funding to already financed research.

Application process, budget and timetable

The application is made in two separate steps. In a first round a project idea is briefly presented, with full author CVs annexed. Final day for project ideas is Sunday 22 May, 2022, at midnight.

A review committee invites short-listed applicants to provide a full application.

The costs of each study may not exceed SEK 700 000 (excluding VAT). The timing of the study may be freely decided, however to be relevant to Swedish development aid, it might be important to link the study to events or ongoing processes, which may impact on the timing.

About EBA

The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) is a governmental committee with a mandate to analyse and evaluate Swedish international development aid. The EBA contributes knowledge to improve Swedish development cooperation and sheds light on current issues and themes which have not received enough attention. EBA also arranges seminars in areas of relevance for Swedish development cooperation.

Members of the Expert Group are: Helena Lindholm (chair), Johan Schaar (vice chair), Sara Johansson de Silva, Kim Forss, Torgny Holmgren, Magnus Lindell, Joakim Molander, Julia Schalk, Staffan Lindberg and Janet Vähämäki.

New EBA call for project proposals

Turbid waters spill out into the Gulf of Mexico.

Are you a development researcher based in Sweden with expertise in poverty issues, environment and climate or the steering of Swedish aid? Do you have an idea that is of relevance to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida and other Swedish development cooperation actors?

The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) has decided to allocate funds for studies within any of its prioritised areas (poverty and its drivers; environment and climate; steering of Swedish aid). Funds are available for researchers active at institutions based in Sweden in order to conduct studies of direct relevance for the MFA, Sida and/or other Swedish development cooperation actors.

The application is made in two separate steps. In a first round a project idea is briefly presented. Final day for project ideas is Sunday 22 May, 2022.

A review committee invites, after selection, short-listed applicants to provide a full application by 22 June, 2022. Final date to provide full applications is 14 August, 2022.

Development Geographies: Current Debates

Stockholm University and Gothenburg University offer a course at the National Doctoral College (NDC), which is also open to PhD students in other social sciences and other European countries (given the partially hybrid format of the sessions).

About the course “Development Geographies: Current Debates”

We live in unprecedented times, when ‘normality’, including around development processes, is perforated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also become a moment for reflection on the harms (to people’s livelihoods, for instance) and recompense (the environment) of this pause, with this awkward phase rightfully nudging us to revisit questions on the nature of the global economy and development processes itself. This course is on development geographies. Yet, instead of revisiting the depth and richness of the development paradigm and its contested nature, we use COVID-19 as a point of departure to focus on current debates around feminism and social reproduction, degrowth, political ecology, and decoloniality. These contemporary discussions will help us disrupt development geography, as we have known it – and hopefully, help craft a toolbox that brings to the forefront the need for regenerating state that recognizes the depletion and social harm four decades of the market-centric global economy has wrought.

We will organise the course around three pivot points:

  • depletion, social reproduction and regeneration – to make feminist and gender debates central to contemporary contributions to global development;
  • political ecology and the calls for degrowth in rebalancing the global economy;
  • decoloniality and urban life – the calls for disrupting and uprooting the development
  • paradigm from its colonial past and the contested nature of claim-making

Course admissions and information

This course is directed to geographers, anthropologists, sociologists and economic historians who are pursuing research that relates to development geography in some way. The course is conducted as a Swedish national PhD-course in Human Geography, which means that in case of a large number of applications, priority will be given to PhD-students at member departments, ie human geography departments in Sweden. However, the course is also open to doctoral students in cognate disciplines both from Sweden and beyond; as well as in rare cases to early career researchers.

There is no course fee, but participants will have to cover travel, accommodation etc. by their own
arrangements. PhD candidates from the Departments of Human geography in Sweden make the
arrangements with their home institutions.

The course will be held via two online sessions and a final one together as a group. The course assessments will consist of continuous evaluation of class participation and engagement, along with an obligatory 4,000-word essay framed alongside viewpoints, critical reviews, and research notes (including references). The assessment details will be distributed and discussed in further detail at the first meeting (September 2022).

National PhD research courses

The National Research Program in Human Geography was established in 1997. It aims at:

  • Providing all doctoral students with access to research courses at the Swedish geographic departments;
  • give all PhD students the opportunity to gain access to research skills outside their own institution;
  • offer courses with lectures by invited scholars from Sweden and abroad;
  • offer doctoral students the opportunity to meet other PhD students and researchers.

Should you have further information, please refer to Kanchana Ruwanpura or Lowe Borjeson.

Caring in a changing climate: Centering care work in climate action

“The global care crisis is being exacerbated by the global climate emergency, with interlocking impacts that threaten lives and livelihoods in all parts of the world. These impacts are particularly severe among rural livelihoods in low-income countries. Climate change intensifies the work involved in caring for people, animals, plants, and places. It reduces the availability and quality of public services in marginalized communities and directly compounds the unfair distribution of unpaid care work that sustains gender inequality.”

“Yet the intersections of climate change and care work have been overlooked in the development literature. Strategies for climate mitigation and adaptation have paid relatively little attention to how care work is affected by climate impacts, nor have they considered whether interventions improve or intensify the situation of carers. Instead, when designing “gender-sensitive” climate actions, the focus has been largely on women’s economic empowerment as opposed to alleviating or transforming existing distributions of care work.”

“The aim of this report is to fill a knowledge gap by examining the points of interaction between climate change impacts and the amount, distribution, and conditions of unpaid care work. We focus on care workers rather than those who are cared for, while stressing the relational nature of care and acknowledging that carers too require care.”

The research report is written by Seema Arora-Jonsson, MaeveCohen and Sherilyn MacGregor, and is published by Oxfam.

About Oxfam Policy & Practice

Have a read and enjoy more than 5,000 free access resources and several thematic research from aid and governance to climate change and economics. Oxfam shares knowledge, evidence, and ideas with practitioners, policy-makers, researchers, donors and academics. The Oxfam Policy & Practice include:

  • Free access to 5000 publications including policy papers, research reports, technical briefs, case studies, books and journal articles.
  • Insight into current policy, programme and research areas.
  • Blogs and podcasts by and for development and humanitarian professionals.
  • Links to online courses, webinars and other learning materials.

Support for research on energy systems and society at the Swedish Energy Agency

The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) welcomes projects proposing new working methods, methods, processes and tools and examine them in practice in order to create learning and change. The call also includes studies that look at real cases and practices that can set good examples and result in suggestions for improvements. The call takes place within the framework of the research program Human, Energy Systems and Society (MESAM).

The call is open between 15 March and 31 August. A decision is expected earliest in January 2023. The earliest start date for successful projects is between 1 March 2023 and 1 May 2023, and they can last no longer than 31 December 2025. Grants in this call are limited to a maximum amount of 9 million SEK per project. Applications for funding over 9 million SEK will be declined.

About the call

Energy conversion is closely linked to the reduction of climate-related emissions. The climate issue is urgent and we need to find long-term sustainable development paths for energy systems. The energy transition must be carried out in a way that ensures long-term sustainable development where no one is left out. Succeeding at conversion requires other, and perhaps alternative, ideas and ways of organizing a society in the future. It probably means a change in society’s organization, our working methods and everyday actions.

The goal of this call is to develop and investigate working methods, methods, processes and tools that can meet society’s energy-related challenges locally, regionally, nationally and globally. It should be able to create change among society’s actors large and small and make visible several sustainable development paths and contribute to sustainable societies with sustainable energy for everyone where no one is left behind.

The call will stimulate more collaborations between researchers and other societal actors, and a requirement for the projects is that researchers at higher education institutions/institutes should involve and work closely together with the project’s users and other stakeholders related to the studied area throughout the project.


MESAM is a research program funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The program is an investment in research that dares to address the major issues surrounding the need to reduce energy-related emissions and create sustainable energy for all. 

The Swedish Energy Agency is organising a digital information meeting via Teams on 31 March, 13.00 CET. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask us at the Swedish Energy Agency about the call – register here.

Researcher at the Department of political science and GLD

The Department of Political Science at Gothenburg University is looking for a researcher to join the programme on Governance and Local Development (GLD) for 12 months, start date September 1, 2022 or per agreement.

Job description

As a researcher with GLD, you will be expected to spend your time on GLD- or project-oriented tasks including Assisting in research design and implementation, including the survey, interviews and other fieldwork as necessary; Overseeing survey training and implementation, with fieldwork expected; Analyzing data; Collaborating with Professor Ellen Lust and other researchers in the program, as relevant, to disseminate findings through articles and presentations.


You should have a PhD in the social sciences and research experience closely connected to the above-described project research area. The ideal candidate has a solid understanding of the theories relating to poverty traps, local governance, the consequences of aid, and sub-Saharan Africa. You should have a track record of independently producing scientific articles of high quality and a record of accomplishments in one or more of the following project research areas: development, governance, service provision, non-state actors, survey methodology and related empirical methods. Experience implementing surveys and/or experiments in the developing world is preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of programs such as R and/or Stata and experience working with unusual data sources (e.g., textual analysis, big data sources, GIS) is meritorious.

Excellence in English orally and written is expected; competence in Chichewa or Chitumbuka is merit. To be successful in this position you must have an eye for detail, be highly organized, and be an active problem solver. You must be able to work well with a large, fluid, and diverse team. We expect you to have excellent communication and collaboration skills, while also having a knack for independent work. We will make an overall assessment and the applicant considered to be best qualified to carry out and develop the duties described above will be appointed to the position.

About the department and the University of Gothenburg

The Department of political science has an open climate that encourages involvement in broader societal debates. Research areas of specialization include elections, democracy, corruption, governance, globalisation, environmental politics, and European studies. The Department hosts research programmes such as the QoG Institute, Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem), Centre for Collective Action Research, (CeCAR), Governance and Local Development (GLD) and the Swedish National Election Studies Programme. We offer several degree programmes at undergraduate, Master’s, and doctoral levels, as well as freestanding courses. Education is provided in both Swedish and English. We have a total of 1 300 students and a staff of about 140. The Department is centrally located in the city of Gothenburg.

The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

About GLD: Governance and Local Development

The Program on Governance and Local Development (GLD) is directed by Professor Ellen Lust, and aims to explain variation in governance and local development in an effort to promote human welfare globally. Read more about the research program on our website at www.gld.gu.se.

GLD, in collaboration with other departments at GU, Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, and Harvard University, is undertaking a large project working to identify how competing development programs alter African communities’ opportunities to exit the poverty cycle through the use of satellite images analysed via AI, and mixed survey methods to develop theories of the varieties of poverty traps.

GLD’s role is to conceptualise community-level power structures that impact these poverty traps, and to consider to what extent and how World Bank and Chinese aid programs help to break poverty traps. We will do so by focusing on the nature of poverty traps at individual and community-levels and the impact of existing aid programs in the country. GLD will employ surveys (based on the LGPI, a GLD-developed survey tool); conduct case study interviews with village heads, development chairs, local elders, and the international donor community; and review existing documents, all with the aim to generate a deeper understanding of why donors operate in specific communities and whether this aid defuses poverty traps.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Rose Shaber-Twedt or Professor Ellen Lust.