The Swedish Energy Agency is allocating SEK 85 million within the research program “Human, Energy Systems and Society” (MESAM).

The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) welcomes projects proposing new working methods, methods, processes and tools and examine them in practice in order to create learning and change. The call also includes studies that look at real cases and practices that can set good examples and result in suggestions for improvements. The call takes place within the framework of the research program Human, Energy Systems and Society (MESAM).
The call is open between 15 March and 31 August. A decision is expected earliest in January 2023. The earliest start date for successful projects is between 1 March 2023 and 1 May 2023, and they can last no longer than 31 December 2025. Grants in this call are limited to a maximum amount of 9 million SEK per project. Applications for funding over 9 million SEK will be declined.
About the call
Energy conversion is closely linked to the reduction of climate-related emissions. The climate issue is urgent and we need to find long-term sustainable development paths for energy systems. The energy transition must be carried out in a way that ensures long-term sustainable development where no one is left out. Succeeding at conversion requires other, and perhaps alternative, ideas and ways of organizing a society in the future. It probably means a change in society’s organization, our working methods and everyday actions.
The goal of this call is to develop and investigate working methods, methods, processes and tools that can meet society’s energy-related challenges locally, regionally, nationally and globally. It should be able to create change among society’s actors large and small and make visible several sustainable development paths and contribute to sustainable societies with sustainable energy for everyone where no one is left behind.
The call will stimulate more collaborations between researchers and other societal actors, and a requirement for the projects is that researchers at higher education institutions/institutes should involve and work closely together with the project’s users and other stakeholders related to the studied area throughout the project.
MESAM is a research program funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The program is an investment in research that dares to address the major issues surrounding the need to reduce energy-related emissions and create sustainable energy for all.
The Swedish Energy Agency is organising a digital information meeting via Teams on 31 March, 13.00 CET. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask us at the Swedish Energy Agency about the call – register here.