Rickard Lalander is sociologist and political scientist and works as Professor in global development studies/environmental science at Södertörn University, Stockholm. He is Ph.D and Associate Professor in Latin American studies, Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki. Since the mid 1990s he has been associated with the Institute of Latin American studies, Stockholm University. His recent principal research project - Rights of Nature - Nature of Rights. Neo-Constitutionalism and Ethno-Ecologist Resistance in Bolivia and Ecuador - was supported by The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning(FORMAS) and during the period 2013-2016 based at the department of political science, Stockholm University. He has taught Latin American studies and political and economic studies at the University of Helsinki and sociology at Mid Sweden University. Lalander has published broadly on democracy, social movements, identity politics, development and the environment in the Andean countries. Lalander is author of the books Suicide of the Elephants? Venezuelan Decentralization between Partyarchy and Chavismo (2004), Retorno de los Runakuna. Cotacachi y Otavalo (2010), editor and co-author of Venezuelan Politics and Society in Times of Chavismo (2006) and has published a high number of articles in journals such as Third World Quarterly, Critical Sociology, Bulletin of Latin American Research, International Journal of Human Rights, Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, Politeia (Venezuela), Ecuador Debate, Reflexión Política (Colombia), Revista de Ciencia Política and Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política.Other experience
Collaboration with civil society organisations
Lecturing and workshops