Professor Mahmud Hossain *protected email* Institute: Bangladesh Agricultural University Research area: Environment and climate change Research region: Asia-Pacific Open to collaboration with: Other researchers Professional experience Co-supervisor of PhD Lecturing Main supervisor of PhD PhD defence Supervision of Master’s students Supervision of Bachelor’s students Other experience Collaboration with civil society organisations Collaboration with government agencies Collaboration with private sector Consultancy contracts Evaluations Lecturing and workshops Statistical analysis Survey creation and analysis Publications Characterization of subsurface sediments and its implication on arsenic mobilization in Gangetic plain Understanding the Geological and Medical Interface of Arsenic - As 2012 Modifying the Parboiling of Rice to Remove Inorganic Arsenic, While Fortifying with Calcium Environmental Science & Technology Determination of Critical Limit of Zinc for Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivation in Floodplain Soils of Bangladesh Sustainability Combined Use of Biochar with 15Nitrogen Labelled Urea Increases Rice Yield, N Use Efficiency and Fertilizer N Recovery under Water-Saving Irrigation Sustainability Rice Growth Performance, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Changes in Soil Properties Influenced by Biochar under Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Sustainability Improving grain yield and quality by enhancing accumulation of zinc in rice under subtropical condition Plant Science Today Alternate wetting and drying decreases arsenic content and increases yield of rice grown in organic matter amended soil EURASIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE (EJSS) Genome Wide Association Mapping of Grain and Straw Biomass Traits in the Rice Bengal and Assam Aus Panel (BAAP) Grown Under Alternate Wetting and Drying and Permanently Flooded Irrigation Frontiers in Plant Science Elevated Trimethylarsine Oxide and Inorganic Arsenic in Northern Hemisphere Summer Monsoonal Wet Deposition Environmental Science & Technology Biomass and elemental concentrations of 22 rice cultivars grown under alternate wetting and drying conditions at three field sites in Bangladesh Food and Energy Security Effects of Arsenic‐Contaminated Irrigation Water on Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Concentration in Rice Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Hydrogeochemistry and Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in the Haor Basins of Bangladesh Water Quality, Exposure and Health Organic Matter—Solid Phase Interactions Are Critical for Predicting Arsenic Release and Plant Uptake in Bangladesh Paddy Soils Environmental Science & Technology Field Fluxes and Speciation of Arsines Emanating from Soils Environmental Science & Technology Spatial Heterogeneity and Kinetic Regulation of Arsenic Dynamics in Mangrove Sediments: The Sundarbans, Bangladesh Environmental Science & Technology Urinary excretion of arsenic following rice consumption Environmental Pollution Antioxidant Defense Mechanisms of Salinity Tolerance in Rice Genotypes Rice Science Movement and Retention of NH4-N in Wetland Rice Soils as Affected by Urea Application Methods Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Arsenic dynamics in paddy soil under traditional manuring practices in Bangladesh Environmental Pollution Assessing the Increase in Soil Moisture Storage Capacity and Nutrient Enhancement of Different Organic Amendments in Paddy Soil Agriculture