The Norwegian Nobel Institute is recruiting 3-5 Research Fellows for Spring 2025

The Norwegian Nobel Institute (NNI), which is hosting a research unit assisting the Nobel Committee and conducting independent research, has re-opened its Research Fellowships programme! NNI is announcing the recruitment of 3-5 Research Fellows. The positions are open for applicants from all over the world; for scholars coming from outside the Schengen area, the positions will be for three months, and can be up to five months for those from within the area.
‘’Thematically, the applicant’s project proposal (max. 3 pages) must show a clear link to issues relevant for peace or conflict broadly understood. This includes, but is not restricted to, analyses of democracy, justice, and human rights. We invite applications from a range of disciplines, including philosophy, history, and the social sciences. Analyses may be normative, empirical, or conceptual in nature.’’
The application must include:
1. An academic CV.
2. A research project description of maximum three pages. Your research may be free-standing or part of an ongoing project. The description must clearly state the relevant research question(s) you intend to pursue during your Fellowship, outline how you intend to go about answering it(them), and explain how your research is situated in the literature. In addition, please indicate the preferred start and end dates for your Fellowship period, and whether the dates are flexible.
The application may include:
3. Letters of reference (optional).
How to submit: Send your application to and include the material as e-mail attachments.
Notification of award: by 15 October 2024