The Nordic Africa Institute invites Nordic researchers to encourage their African partners to apply to its Virtual Library Programme.

The Nordic Africa Institute invites Nordic researchers to encourage their African partners to apply to its Virtual Library Programme.
The programme provides time-limited access to selected e-resources from the Institute’s library, along with an introductory session via Zoom. Through this initiative, the Nordic Africa Institute seeks to support capacity-building in African studies, fostering knowledge production about Africa while promoting connections within and between African and Nordic research communities. It also aims to strengthen the operational objectives of Co-creation of knowledge and Bridging of African and Nordic perspectives in the institute’s strategy for 2022-2026.
The programme is directed at early carrier researchers based in Africa and engaged in Africa-oriented research. The research topic should be within the disciplines of Social Sciences and Humanities, and with a focus on contemporary Africa.
The research should also be relevant to the core principles of the UN Agenda 2030.
The programme is open to: Postdoctoral researchers employed by an African-based university or research centre and who are part of an approved research project with African and Nordic partners (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland).