Learn more about the Research School on Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction and explore their new website.

The Research School on Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction (the Development Research School) is an international collaboration between Lund University, Uppsala University, Gothenburg University and the University of Ghana, and builds on SweDev’s network.
The Research School on sustainable development and poverty reduction has two overarching objectives: to offer novel, boundary-crossing, high-quality doctoral training; and to strengthen research collaboration and networks between the four universities as well as between individual doctoral students within and beyond these universities. In so doing, the school seeks to foster a new generation of doctoral students that are better equipped to meet current and future challenges related to achieving sustainable development.
The school will be open to doctoral students from the four partners but also from other universities and from any discipline.
”This is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen doctoral training related to sustainable development. I expect the Research School to generate innovative and creative thinking, not only in terms of training but also in regard to collaboration and knowledge production.”
Kristina Jönsson, coordinator and Associate Professor at Lund University
The work program is structured in five activities:
- jointly developed interdisciplinary doctoral courses
- regular research seminars
- policy dialogues
- a mobility programme
- other capacity-building and skills training activities
The Development Research School will collaborate and profit from existing networks and collaborations within, between and beyond the four partner institutions, for example with Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev) and Lund University Agenda 2030 Graduate School. The Research School will run during four years (2022-2025), coordination and administration will be managed by Lund University.