Development Research PhD workshop

Date: October 23, 2024 - October 24, 2024
The Development Research school is hosting a workshop for PhD students in development research on 23-24 October 2024 at Lund University. “The purpose of this workshop is to bring together PhD students working on development research. The workshop aims to facilitate the dialogue and interaction between young scholars on relevant development research topics in general, and their own PhD work in particular. The workshop is primarily a platform for PhD students to present and discuss their own work. The program will allow time for both peer-to-peer discussions and feedback from senior scholars.”
Submission of drafts
Accepted applicants are expected to submit a draft text ahead of the workshop, in early October. Drafts at any stage will be accepted and should be between 4000-7000 words in length. All participants will be expected to read at least three of the other participants’ drafts ahead of the workshop. More information on this process will be shared with accepted applicants closer to the workshop.
Accommodation and travel
“The Development Research School will provide lunch, dinner, and coffee breaks to all participants. In addition, applicants are able to apply for accommodation in Lund for the night of October 23rd, and for travel reimbursements. The Development Research School will be able to reimburse up to 12 participants for domestic, with-in Sweden transportation (max 1500 SEK per participant), and up to 2 international participants (max 15 000 SEK per participant). PhD students from University of Ghana will be particularly prioritized for the international travel reimbursement.”
Apply here to participate in the workshop. To apply for the workshop, applicants need to submit an extended abstract of 500 words. The application deadline is 22 May.
Date and time
The workshop will start on 23 October at 12.00 and conclude at 15.00 on 24 October 2024.
The workshop will be held at Lund University.
The Development Research School is an international collaboration between Lund University, Uppsala University, Gothenburg University and the University of Ghana. The workshop is open to any PhD students.