Interpreting the Government’s Reform Agenda for Development Aid – a presentation by EBA

Date: January 30, 2025
The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev) are excited to invite you to a presentation of a report on how to interpret the Swedish governments reform agenda for development cooperation. The report has been written by Jan Pettersson and Númi Östlund from the Swedish Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA). The discussion will take place on the 30 January at 14.30-16.00 CET in a hybrid setting.
The event will be held in English and include time for questions and answers from the audience.
In December 2023, the Government presented the new direction for aid policy ‘Aid for a new era – Freedom, empowerment and sustainable growth’, often referred to as the ‘Reform Agenda’. However, what the Reform Agenda means in practice is not entirely clear – the document indicates a large number of statements that could be interpreted as priorities for aid, but very few explicit goals. In light of this, EBA has produced a report that clarifies the government’s intentions with this new aid policy, which can function as a knowledge base for future monitoring, reviewing and evaluating of how the Reform Agenda is implemented.
About the speakers
The report will be presented by Jan Pettersson, Managing Director, and Númi Östlund, Programme Manager, at the Swedish Expert Group for Aid studies. The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) is a government committee mandated to evaluate and analyse the direction, governance and implementation of Sweden’s official development assistance, with a specific focus on results and effectiveness.
Date and location
The event takes place on Thursday, 30 January at 14.30 CET. The event will be in a hybrid format so please join us either in-person in room ‘Lounge’ at the SEI offices at Linnégatan 87D, 10451 Stockholm, or digitally. Register yourself for the event by using the link below.