Development Research Dialogue: Usefulness and use of research for policy and practice

Date: May 19, 2021
This event took place 19 May, 2021. Please find the recording below.
This event will be held in Swedish.
There is an increased demand for evidence-based policymaking and the use of research in development policy. However, good policy is not generated simply by increasing the amount of research on a particular topic. Several constraints exist that prevent the bridging between research and practice to take place.
The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) and the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev) invite you to a dialogue on the usefulness and use of research for policy and practice. The dialogue takes place virtually on 19 May, 09:00 – 12:00.
This dialogue will discuss: Why do some research findings tend to be picked up and acted upon in policy and practice, while other findings are overlooked? What is it that contributes to ideas being, or not being, picked up?
During the dialogue knowledgeable speakers will share their ideas and perspectives. This will be followed by two workshops under the topics Democracy and Sexual and reproductive health and rights where the participants will contribute with their experiences and lessons learned from bridging science to policy, and increasing the researcher and practitioner collaboration.
We look forward to seeing you at the Development Research Dialogue!
Keynote speakers
Janine Alm Ericson, State Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Katja Bender, Professor, International Centre for Sustainable Development (IZNE), Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Vice-President EADI (the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes)
Janet Vähämäki, Programme Director, SweDev/ Member of the Expert Group at EBA
John Young, Executive Director, INASP
Moderator: Mats Hårsmar, Deputy Managing Director, EBA
Workshop speakers
Elin Bjarnegård, Uppsala University
Joakim Öjendal, University of Gothenburg
Gun-Britt Andersson
Birgitta Weibahr, Sida
Moderator: Joakim Molander, IDEA
Mandira Paul, Sida
Jesper Sundewall, Lund University
Lotta Roos, Sida
Julia Schalk, RFSU
Moderator: Sara Österlund, RFSU