Development assistance in a new era

Date: December 7, 2021
“Development assistance in a new era” is one of the seminars arranged at the Swedish Forum for Human Rights, the biggest annual forum on human rights in the Scandinavian countries. The forum is held in November every year at various places in Sweden, focusing on a variety of themes concerning human rights. More than 2.000 participants from non-governmental organizations, Universities, businesses and authorities on a central, regional and local level as well as teachers and students from secondary schools and colleges take part in various seminars and workshops.
This particular seminar is about the new era of development assistance. Following the catastrophic developments in Afghanistan, many people are asking themselves what kind of difference development assistance can actually make. What can development assistance do in countries that are becoming increasingly authoritarian – do we need to be clearer about what development assistance is for and what kind of limitations it faces in these new times? What are resonable expectations? Can development assistance go to governmental bodies in these kinds of nations? What results can we expect from development assistance in places where the political situation is developing backwards? Or does the quest for measurable results risk being counterproductive in environments where development assistance must take risks?
- Carin Jämtin, Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida.
- Helena Storckenfeldt, Member of the Swedish Parliament (M).
- Janet Vähämäki, Senior Researcher and Team Leader Development & Aid Policy Team, Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI.
- Janine Alm Ericson, Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
- Lena Ingelstam, Secretary General, Diakonia.
Moderator: Mats Hårsmar, Deputy Managing Director, Expert Group For Aid Studies, EBA.
Note! This seminar is in Swedish and requires a ticket for the Swedish Forum for Human Rights in Gothenburg.