Submit your session proposal to the IUFRO World Congress 2024.

This call is hosted by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
SLU hosts the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress 2024, 23-29 June in Stockholm. The opportunity is now open to contribute to the congressional program by submitting session proposals.
In line with the spirit of the Congress title – Forests and Society Towards 2050 ‐ the program will highlight the contributions to the UN sustainable development goals and beyond.
The Congress program will reflect the forest science community’s diverse contributions, across the full range of natural and social science disciplines, with special emphasis on the decided congress themes and subthemes.
Session proposal
All who share an interest in the future of forests, climate, the environment, societal development and forest-related science are invited to submit session proposals.
UPDATED: Deadline 31 October, 2022.
The IUFRO World Congress 2024 is a collaborative global network platform, held at 5-year intervals, with the aim to accelerate forest related scientific knowledge exchange and strategic research agendas. Further giving the opportunity for scientists, governmental agencies, the business sector and other stakeholders with forest and green economy interest, to discuss global challenges, future needs and innovative solutions towards a sustainable future within forestry, climate and society.