The call for papers is now open! Submit before 1 March!

The call for papers for the 7th Nordic Development Research Conference 2023 (NorDev) is open.
This year’s conference theme is centred on what may be called Co-creation for a just transition towards a sustainable society.
Despite achievements in global development, authoritarianism, shrinking civil spaces, environmental degradation, climate change and growing inequality are on the rise. As we face continuous, and often inter-related, political, environmental and social challenges, we recognize a need for new and accelerated global development approaches and processes. As sustainability and development challenges are complex, solutions will require innovative co-creation and coordination of different actors, regions and disciplines, which is why the conference theme is co-creation.
This conference ambitiously aims to provide a space for a state-of-the-art academic discussion and co-creation on just transitions and sustainability. We invite academic contributions from contexts across the globe and provide a platform for extended co-creation where scholars and practitioners can meet and explore meaningful and impactful collaborations to both better understand our challenges and find sustainable solutions.
There are 12 themes for paper proposals. Please read the full description of the themes on the web page Paper Themes before submitting the paper abstract proposal.
TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.
AUTHORS: Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. Presenting author’s name will be published in bold.
AFFILIATIONS: Each author should be listed by University/Organisation, Department, and Country. Please make sure to include this complete information in the Affiliation text box.
TEXT: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 400 words, excluding the title.
FIGURE/TABLE: No figure/table/image is allowed.
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author if accepted.
Only paper abstracts submitted through the submission system will be considered. Please use the below link to submit
8 January 2023: Deadline for Panel proposals and themes for co-creation workshops
15 January 2023: Decision on accepted panel proposals and themes for workshops is communicated
20 January 2023: Call for abstract submissions and sub-themes for workshops is opened
1 March 2023: Deadline for abstract submissions and sub-themes for co-creation workshops
13 March 2023. Decision on accepted abstracts and sub-themes for co-creation is communicated
10 August 2023: Deadline conference papers, Early draft papers are accepted