Webinar: Women in Crisis Settings – transforming gaps into synergies

Date: March 22, 2021
This free webinar organised by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) investigates how to achieve better outcomes for all across the humanitarian, development and peace nexus in the Decade of action.
The Decade of Action offers promises of turning the tide on gender equality and transform promises into action for a more gender equal, inclusive and more sustainable future for all. There is a momentum around emerging evidence on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus in which increased collaboration, coherence and complementarity should be based on shared risk-informed and gender sensitive analysis.
This virtual Development Talk will gather leaders and practitioners from global and local level to learn more about emerging evidence and on how to achieve results. The session will share insights into how the COVID-19 pandemic can be an opportunity for igniting change in the Decade of Action, turning our attention to the role of local solutions to reverse the trend in the most challenging of crisis settings, and ensure we leave no one behind.
This webinar is an official side-event at the 65th Commission of the Status of Women (CSW) sponsored by the Government offices of Sweden.
Opening remarks
Carin Jämtin, Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida
Key note address Why gender equality matters in the humanitarian,
development and peacebuilding nexus – an outlook on emerging evidence and opportunities – Susanna Moorhead, Chair, Development Assistance Committee, OECD
Panel discussion: Promising approaches, emerging evidence and opportunities for increased collaboration and coherence
- Ulrika Modéer, Assistant Executive Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
- Valerie Guarnieri, Assistant Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP)
- Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director, UN WOMEN
- Sharon Chikanya, Regional Adviser, Plan International, Uganda
- Joachim Beijmo, Country Director, Swedish Embassy DRC