Understanding the role of development finance institutions in promoting development

Date: June 15, 2022
SEI and ODI will present findings from a new report discussing the role of development finance in three African countries.
Researchers from SEI and ODI will present findings from the report: Understanding the role of development finance institutions in promoting development: an assessment of three African countries. The report maps different financial flows together with a review of different country development plans to determine the extent of alignment as well as highlighting opportunities for DFIs to invest in strategic sectors.
During this webinar, we will reflect on the key findings of the report about the role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in Africa. The high-level seminar panel include esteemed speakers from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Association of European DFIs (EDFI), Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Financial Sector Deepening Kenya and International Finance Corporation (IFC).
This webinar is hosted by Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre (SSFC), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
13.00: Opening remarks by Måns Nilsson, Executive Director of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
13:05: Key highlights: Understanding the role of development finance institutions in promoting development: an assessment of three African countries
- George Marbuah, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
- Alberto Lemma, Research Fellow, ODI
13:15 Panel discussion moderated by Aaron Maltais, Director of Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre
- Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and member, SSFC Advisory Board
- Bruno Wenn, The Association of European DFIs (EDFI)
- Yofi Grant, CEO of Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC)
- Stephan Dreyhaupt, Principal Economist working on Africa (IFC)
- Anzetse Were, Senior Economist, FSD Kenya
13.45 Questions from the audience
13:55 Closing remarks by Måns Nilsson, Executive Director of SEI