SweDev Assembly: a side-event to DevRes 2021

Date: June 17, 2021
Welcome to the first bi-annual assembly of the Swedish Development Research Network (SweDev). This event is an opportunity to learn more about SweDev, influence the workplan, and meet SweDev’s Steering and Nomination Committee. The SweDev assembly is open for all development researchers connected to a Swedish research community.
SweDev is a network connecting development researchers across Sweden in order to strengthen collaboration within the research community and to increase the interaction between development researchers and practitioners. SweDev seeks to support increased use of research-based knowledge for efficient policymaking and practice among Swedish actors working for the 2030 Agenda. SweDev is funded by Sida and led by a Steering Committee consisting of representatives from a broad range of Swedish academic institutions.
SweDev is open for all researchers connected to a Swedish research environment pursuing research connected to development issues. SweDev’s website launched in February 2021 will act as the network’s meeting point, collecting activities, opportunities for networking, and a registry for all connected researchers. SweDev arranges a range of seminars and events to increase the interaction between development researchers and practitioners.
The agenda for the meeting will be presented closer to the event.