Recovery in Yemen: Addressing the development crisis

Date: November 25, 2021
Yemen has often been described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The war has already set back development by more than two decades and caused more deaths from indirect causes such as hunger and disease than deaths from the conflict violence. However, if a sustainable and implementable peace deal can be reached, there is still hope for a brighter future in Yemen.
The United Nations Develoment Programme (UNDP), together with the Government of Sweden, are pleased to invite you to a high-level discussion on the final Impact of War trilogy report and the future of Yemen. For the third and final report, The Recovery in Yemen: Addressing the development crisis, UNDP Yemen has once again partnered with the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures.
The report presents seven different recovery scenarios to better understand prospects and priorities for recovery and reconstruction in Yemen and identifies key leverage points for a successful recovery that can put Yemen on a path not only to catch up with – but to surpass – its pre-war SDG trajectory by 2050. Through pursuing an integrated recovery strategy and leveraging key transformative opportunities, it is possible for Yemen to make up for lost time and offer better opportunities to the next generation.
The report launch will be followed by a mingle and a film screening of “From Yemen with Love”.
- Per Olsson Fridh, Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation
- Margot Wallström, Chair of the SIPRI Environment of Peace initiative and former Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Ulrika Modéer, UN Assistant Secretary General and UNDP Director of External Relations and Advocacy
- Auke Lootsma, UNDP Resident Representative for Yemen
- Jonathan Moyer, PhD, Pardee Institute
- Amal Nassar, Economist at the Sana’s Centre
- Peter Semneby, Sweden’s Special Envoy for Yemen
More speakers will be added in the next few days.