Learning to save the world? Educating beyond textbooks for sustainability

Date: July 7, 2021
Education is regarded as one of the main solutions to raise public awareness and align our lifestyles with sustainability – but it requires significant changes in how we learn and teach. How will the education and learning be affected by the societal need to address the multiple and interconnected challenges inherent in the Sustainable Development Goals? In this event students, artists and professionals from northern Europe bring examples and ideas of transformations in education for sustainability. The talk highlights unique educational approaches and how anyone wanting to make a difference can take informed action outside the formal schooling system.
Arjen Wals, Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
David Kronlid, Department of Education, Uppsala University.
Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir, Agenda 2030 Graduate School, Lund University.
Erkka Laininen, The OKKA Foundation for Teaching, Education and Personal Development, Helsinki, Finland.
Manal Stulgaitis, UNHCR, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Agenda 2030 Graduate School, Lund University