Formalizing individual and community land rights: the case of the land tenure support programme (lTSP) in Tanzania

Date: May 25, 2022
This LARRI Webinar is conducted in collaboration with the Focali and SIANI networks.
International development assistance actors often promote the formalization of land rights. Such formalization aims to achieve secure land tenure and access to credit for smallholder farmers, as well as more productive and sustainable agricultural development.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, where customary communal tenure systems still prevail, the formalization agenda has been performed in different ways, focusing on individual titling, communal land titling or a combination of the two. A case in point is Tanzania, where formal certificates to land can be issued to individuals or groups within the framework of the village as the overriding landholding unit
Experiences and lessons learned from this latter approach will be discussed at this LARRI webinar, taking the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) in Tanzania supported by Sida, DFID and Danida as point of departure. A summary presentation of the rationale and design of LTSP and its results will be given by Brasio Msugu from the Swedish Embassy in Tanzania, followed by comments from Faustin Maganga, Associate Professor in Development Studies at St. John’s University, Tanzania and Karolina Wallin Fernqvist, PhD candidate in Human Geography, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
LARRI (Land Rights Research Initiative) is a platform for discussion, exchange of ideas and information as well as for promoting collaboration among researchers and students and others interested in land rights issues in the context of global change. The LARRI initiative is hosted by the Human Geography Unit at the University of Gothenburg.
Contact: Lasse Krantz