Blogs, news media and communication

Date: September 22, 2022
The purpose of this SweDev communication workshop is to learn how to write blogs, pitch research results to news media and communicate research to an external audience.
This workshop is organized by SweDev and is exclusive to SweDev members only. If you are a SweDev member and has not yet signed up, please contact Ylva Rylander at to receive the meeting link.
10:00 Brief presentation of SweDev, news media and blogs
Ylva Rylander, Communications Officer, SweDev and SEI
Alice Tunfjord, Research Associate, SweDev and SEI
10:25 Round-the table on communication needs and examples
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Exercise: How to write headlines and preambles
11:20 Examples from workshop participants
11:40 Successful examples and conclusions, Ylva Rylander
12:00 End of workshop