Book launch: Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy? Coping with Uncertainty in Development Aid Relations

Date: April 11, 2024
The event is held in Swedish.
Janet Vähämäki and Susanna Alexius will launch their book Obsessive Measurement Disorder or Pragmatic Bureaucracy? Coping with Uncertainty in Development Aid Relations on 11 April 2024. After the launch SCORE offers refreshments and music. Warm welcome!
In the book, Susanna Alexius, Associate Professor of Business Administration, and Janet Vähämäki, Phil. Dr. in Business Administration, investigate questions about results measurement and review of the complex area of development aid. Why do demands for result measurement in some situations seem to hinder and in other situations support aid work? The book particularly seeks to explain how the phenomenon of “obsessed measurement syndrome” occurs and how it can be prevented, by discussing where, when and how it occurs and what can prevent such a negative development in favour of constructive learning.
The book is available via Open Access (Emerald Publishing House) here.
Thursday 11 April 2024
15.00 – 16.30
Score, Frescativägen 14 A, Stockholms universitet
Fredrik Svärdsten, Stockholm Business School and Helena Bjuremalm, Sida.
Registration is required. The number of places is limited, first come, first served.